April STEAM Exchange: Trees

seats are filled
April 21, 2016
6:00PM - 8:00PM
The STEAM Factory, 2nd Floor, at 400 West Rich St

Date Range
2016-04-21 18:00:00 2016-04-21 20:00:00 April STEAM Exchange: Trees The STEAM Exchange is a series of colloquia in which three speakers from different fields present their interpretation on the same topic. The topic of this upcoming STEAM Exchange is Trees. The moderator for the evening Oksana Chkrebtii, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics. This month's presenters include Ryan Harne - Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (The Ohio State University)Enrico Bonello - Professor, Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees  (The Ohio State University)Laura Kubatko - Professor, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology and Statistics (The Ohio State University) The STEAM Factory, 2nd Floor, at 400 West Rich St America/New_York public

The STEAM Exchange is a series of colloquia in which three speakers from different fields present their interpretation on the same topic. The topic of this upcoming STEAM Exchange is Trees. The moderator for the evening Oksana Chkrebtii, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics. This month's presenters include


  • Ryan Harne - Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (The Ohio State University)
  • Enrico Bonello - Professor, Molecular and Chemical Ecology of Trees  (The Ohio State University)
  • Laura Kubatko - Professor, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology and Statistics (The Ohio State University)