STEAM Collaborators:
Jim Fowler, Ph.D- Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Sciences- Mathematics
Bart Snapp, Ph.D- Auxiliary Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Sciences- Mathematics
Prototyping with a non-designer team of physics faculty, staff and students to co-design an ideal student learning experience for Introductory Physics students
Jim Fowler and Bart Snapp worked with Columbus Math Circle Workshop for Teachers to host immersive multi-day mathematics workshops for junior high school teachers organized collaboratively between college faculty, math teachers, and administrators. STEAM Circles aim to excite students and collaborate with teachers to think about real world problems at the

level of grade-specific course curriculum.
The Columbus Math Circle Workshop for teachers was held in June 2014 and June 2015 with a multiday immersion workshop. Each session explored mathematical concepts like proof and reasoning, synthetic geometry, optimization, basics of graphing, problem posing, and counting arguments. STEAM Circles cross disciplines, including mathematics, hydrology, environmental economics and aerial acrobatics, to promote a holistic consideration of multiple perspectives in addressing real world problems.