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By Casey Schetter

Dr. Zach Hines is Assistant Professor in the Department of English, where he specializes in medieval poetry and book history. Zach’s archival scholarship, including an in-progress book…

By Casey Scheeter

Glennon is a Senior Community Outreach Analyst whose expertise lies at the intersection of land use and development policy and metropolitan segregation, with an emphasis on suburban…

By Casey Schetter

Courtney Price serves as the Community Engagement Liaison in the Office of Engagement for the College of Arts and Sciences. She is a co-founder/co-organizer of Ohio State’s West Campus…

By Casey Schetter

Recently, Charlene Brenner has announced that she will be taking on a new role at the Sustainability Institute on July 1st, 2024. We want to use this opportunity to celebrate her years of…

By Casey Scheeter

The STEAM Factory’s membership is ever-expanding with some of the most interesting individuals that I have ever met and had conversations with, so to highlight some people that make this…

By Casey Schetter

The Columbus Landmarks Foundation awarded The STEAM Factory the “Frederick J. Holdridge Outstanding Group Award” this past week for their tireless work in preserving history at the…

By Michael Smoley

We would like to welcome both of our new student interns, Frankie Wantuch and Casey Schetter! They will both be helping us for the summer, so if you see them at STEAM, be sure to say hi!

By Aisling Ryan

We have a very exciting announcement - Charlene Brenner has been awarded the Ohio State University Distinguished Staff Award! She was surprised with the notification of her award during a meeting…

Wayne Schlingman, director of the Arne Slettebak Planetarium and a STEAM member, was recently interviewed by Ohio State news about the upcoming solar eclipse. You can read the full interview,…