OHI/O Hackathon

STEAM Collaborators:

Arnab Nandi, Ph.D- Assistant Professor

College of Engineering- Computer Science

Meris Mandernach, Ph.D- Assistant Professor

OSU Libraries- Research and Education

2015 Hackthon Logo


Project Summary: To foster a tech culture amongst students at Ohio State and cultivate technical talent in Columbus and the Ohio region, “OHI/O”—  Ohio State’s Second Annual Hackathon and programming contest was held Friday October 3rd 2014 through Sunday October 5th 2014. Over 200 undergraduate and graduate student programmers built working software and demonstrated it to a live audience of students, faculty, and representatives from tech companies. Students worked in teams of 2 to 4 for 24 hours to design and build the best software based project all in front of a live audience of students, faculty, and representatives from tech compa- nies. Students compete for over $5000 in prizes, including Pebble smart watches, Amazon Echos, and more. Projects are judged in various categories that include technical difficulty, creativity, usefulness, and presentation.

Noteable Achievements:

  • Now involves over 300 student participants 
  • Biggest Hackathon in Ohio 

Key Partners:

OHI/O 2013 and 2014 were made possible by Hortonworks, Google, Teradata, Persistent Systems, Epic, Wexner Medical Center, CoverMyMeds, OSU College of Engineering, The STEAM Factory, OCIO, OSU Department of Computer Science & Engineering and the Open Source Club