

326 results found


Assistant Professor
101C Pressey Hall
Assistant Professor, Dentistry Division of General Practice and Materials Science
3005-A Postle Hall
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry
Research Data Librarian
Professor of Food Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Assistant Professor, Communication
Professor, Physics, Astronomy, and Director of the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP)
M2004 Physics Research Building
Associate Professor, Dance, History and Theory
305 Sullivant Hall
Distinguished Professor, Management Sciences
642 Fisher Hall
Assistant Professor, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
300 Aronoff Laboratory
Faculty Director, Translational Data Analytics Institute; Professor, Computer Science and Engineering; Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology; and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor, Urban Climate Resilience and Adaptation Disparities College of Engineering Department of Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering College of Engineering Knowlton School of Architecture, City and Regional Planning
417C Hitchcock Hall
Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
329 Agricultural Administration Building
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Room #381
Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering & John Glenn College of Public Affairs
483b Hitchcock Hall
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Curriculum Project Manager, College of Pharmacy
222 Parks Hall
Professor, Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall
Assistant Professor, Material Science and Engineering Department
EJTC 138
Assistant Professor and Curator of American Literature, University Libraries
119B Thompson Library