STEAM Collaborators:
Anna gawboy, Ph.D- Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Sciences- School of Music
With the help of STEAM Factory funding, Gawboy spent a weeklong residency at Utah State University on November 18-23, 2013, which culminated in a lighted performance of Alexander Scriabin's Prometheus, Poem of Fire op. 60 with the Utah State University Orchestra and combined choirs conducted by Laura Jackson.
While in Utah, Gawboy had the opportunity to work closely with several students and involve them in critical aspects of the performance. Gawboy addressed several classes, which ranged in size from 10 to 900 students. Gawboy also delivered three lectures "Color music relations in Scriabin's Prometheus, Poem of Fire, "Interpreting Scriabin," and a pre-concert talk about the performance that was streamed live. Gawboy also sat on two panels: "Western Esotericism and the University," with Chris Scheer, Marco Pasi, and Brian McCuskey, and "Performing the Poem of Fire," with Laura Jackson and Chris Scheer. She additionally participated in the workshop: "Writing Program Notes" co-facilitated with Chris Scheer.

Noteable Achievements:
“Each time I design a per- formance, adapt it to a new environment, and communicate it to a new audience, I learn new in- formation about the work itself. Since I intend to stage this piece in the future, I will use this in- formation to develop my interpretation of the piece further.”- Anna Gawboy