STEAM Spotlight- Courtney Price

June 11, 2024

STEAM Spotlight- Courtney Price

Head shot of Courtney Price

Courtney Price serves as the Community Engagement Liaison in the Office of Engagement for the College of Arts and Sciences. She is a co-founder/co-organizer of Ohio State’s West Campus Science and Sustainability Festival (WestFest) and the STEM Impact Collaborative. Much of Courtney’s professional career has focused on science communication, promoting science through informal education, broader impacts of research, and community engagement. Courtney is a recipient of the Ohio State 2019 Staff Award for Excellence in Community Engagement and the 2021 Impact Goals Award from the Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Education Studies with a specialization in Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement.

What is one of the most interesting conversations that you have had recently?  

  • Recently I spent a lot of time with middle and high school students. We had a lot of interesting conversations. At one point we were discussing vegetarianism. One student asked me if I was a vegetarian because of the climate crisis. I always find it reassuring when younger generations demonstrate their environmental awareness…it gives me hope.

What projects are you working on that encourage you to get out in the morning? What questions about your work are you curious about right now? 

  • I’m overseeing a new pre-college program for the College of Arts and Sciences this summer. It’s been nice getting back into program planning and working with youth. Hosting middle and high school students keeps you on your toes. I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can offer a wide variety of summer programs that are academically focused but still have the fun feel of a summer camp.

What does community mean to you? 

  • For me, community is about showing up for others, making authentic connections, and working collaboratively in service of a shared goal.

What books are on your shelf waiting to be read? Is there a reason that you have not read it yet? 

  • Most recently I checked out An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States for the second time but did not get a chance to read it (again). In addition to working and being a mom of two, I’m a part-time PhD student…when I’m taking classes I don’t have time to read for fun.

What are people usually surprised to find out about you? 

  • If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I “grew up” a few decades ago, I would have told you I wanted to be a field biologist working with snakes. I found my way into informal education and engagement work by accident. It’s funny how small changes in your trajectory can create a whole new path for your life.

What is something that you do differently than most people? 

  • Navigate…I have no sense of direction and a loose relationship with the concept of right and left. The words north, south, east and west are meaningless to me. I am notorious for getting lost even in places I’ve been many times. I use the force to find my way, but it often fails me.