March STEAM Exchange, Taking Stock

March 28, 2017

March STEAM Exchange, Taking Stock

STEAM Exchange


The STEAM Exchange for the month of March was another success! This month, the topic of discussion was taking stock. Presenters for the evening included one from Ohio State as well as a guest presenter from Georgetown University. 

As previously mentioned above this month STEAM Exchange welcomed as guest speaker from the Georgetown University. Timothy Newfiled joined us and began the evening with a great presentation about his area of expertise.  Newfiled is an assistant professor of history and biology so he was able to present information about disease in cattle and other livestock in a very unique manner. Since he has a background in both history and bilogy he was the perfect embodiment of STEAM since his work alone in interdisiplinary. 

The next and final presenter was Laura Pomeroy (in colloboration with Rebecca Garabed). Pomeroy is a Research Associate in Disease Ecology and Computer Modeling in the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Garabed is an Associate Professor in the same field. this presentation was the perfect continuation after Newfield. The focus of their work and presenation was on how disease spread and the different factors that contribute to widespead disease through livestock. 

The March STEAM Exchnage was defnitely a great success. This (and all of the other STEAM Exchanges) creates a great way to learn more about what other members are doing in an informal yet interactive style. To find out more about past and future STEAM Exchanges please check our calendar!  For information about our next STEAM Exchange in April please look here!