September Saturday with a Scholar, Wonder Women & Super Scholars

October 10, 2018

September Saturday with a Scholar, Wonder Women & Super Scholars

woman holding two beetles out for a young girl who is excited

To wrap up the September STEAM events, ten wonderful women scholars from across the disciplines at The Ohio State University came together to share stories of their studies and academic careers. Over coffee and pastries, the following women spoke to fellow STEAM and community members about how they got into their field and how being a woman has impacted their journey:

1. Dr. Amber Woodburn: As an Assistant Professor in the City and Regional planning section of Knowlton School, Dr. Woodburn enlightened the audience about city planning, accessibility and disruptor technologies. Specifically, her research includes analysis of transportation systems, as well as analysis of planning documents that environmental impacts of transportation projects.

2. Dr. Zeynep Benderlioglu: Dr. Benderlioglu used hissing cockroaches to talk about her interest in prenatal stress and its effect on behavior in maternal care and predator avoidance. Along with demonstrations of the bugs reacting to calls of fear, mating and aggression, the attendees were also able to pet and hold the roaches too!

3. Coleen Thompson: With her areas of expertise in Conservation Genomics, Population Genetics and Mammalian Evolution, M.S. Program Graduate Student Thompson shared her love of all things bio-diversity through a story of childhood fascination turned real world career.

4. Danielle Parsons: Parsons, a Ph.D. Program Graduate Student, talked about the biology of the little shrew and the interesting community the small mammal creates. Parsons, along with a handful of the other speakers, are a part of the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology.

5. Flavia Mol Lanna: A visiting scholar from Brazil, Mol Lanna works as a Ph.D. student with the Division of Environmental Health Sciences. She shared her story of growing up in a diverse ecological environment which sparked her interest in the natural world.

6. Gina Osterloh: Osterloh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art who twists visual representations of identity and perception. She has exhibited her work internationally and nationally; she also discussed her career from the eyes of a mixed-race woman.

7. Jacklyn Brickman: Brinkman gave the guests some insight into her visual art works based on inspirations from nature. She aims to explore the effects of competitive survivorship within natural and cultural ecosystems and the dynamic interrelationship between people and their habitats.

8. Miriam Gibb: Working to strengthen the connection between engaging education and museums, Gibbs discussed her efforts to inspire the youth to get involved with science. She notes that sometimes getting to hold of seas sponge or touch a shell is all it takes to spark curiosity and interest in the field.

9. Lynn Kim: Kim, a Korean-American animator and educator, spoke about her love for filmmaking and created special connections with younger members of the audience who also share a passion for video. Her large range of experience includes working with museums, private and public academic institutions, colleges, and non-profit organizations.

10. Dr. Asimina Kiourti: Dr. Kiourti is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University, where she conducts research involving wearable and implantable sensors, antennas and electromagnetics for body area applications. Her research has gained her international recognition among the science community.

Big thanks to all these wonder women for speaking at the STEAM Factory; take a look here to see what super event we have coming up next.