Steam Member Among 2023 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching honorees
Ten faculty members at The Ohio State University were recently honored with the 2023 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. Among them was Steven Brown, a STEAM member and an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy. The award annually recognizes a maximum of 10 faculty members for teaching excellence. Awardees are also inducted into the university's Academy of Teaching, which provides leadership for the improvement of teaching at Ohio State. Established during the 1959–1960 academic year, it is one of the university's most prestigious awards for teaching. The honorees were notified of their awards through surprise announcements led by senior university leaders.
“I am thrilled to be a part of presenting these awards,” said Molly Ranz Calhoun, president and CEO of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. “These distinguished teachers represent the true spirit of who we are as Buckeyes in how they pay forward each day, preparing the next generation of thought leaders who will change the world in ways we have not yet imagined.”
“These faculty members are exemplars of the high-quality teaching that goes on each day in classroom, labs, and studio spaces across each of our university’s campuses,” said Melissa Gilliam, Ohio State’s executive vice president and provost. “I am proud of each of these instructors, and I have thoroughly enjoyed recognizing their exceptional commitment to our learners.”
You can access the full list of honorees below!