Ashlyn Pierson

Ashlyn Pierson

Ashlyn Pierson

Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning

1945 N. High Street,
Arps Hall 285B

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  • Ph.D., Math & Science Education and Learning Sciences & Learning Environment Design, Vanderbilt University, 2020
  • M.Ed., Instructional Practice, Lipscomb University, 2014
  • B.A., Public Policy and Environmental Sciences, Duke University, 2012

/*-->*/ Ashlyn Pierson is an assistant professor of STEM education. She earned her Ph.D. at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education, specializing in Math & Science Education and Learning Sciences & Learning Environment Design. Her research merges theory and practice by using design studies to explore the interplay between disciplinary STEM practices (such as scientific modeling, computer programming) and students’ everyday practices and diverse linguistic resources. Ashlyn’s research is grounded in her experiences as a high school math and middle school science teacher in Nashville public schools. Her research has been distinguished with a Dissertation Fellowship by the National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation, and she received the 2019 Best Student Paper Award from the Learning Sciences Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. Based on her research, she was invited to be the editor of a 2019 special issue of the journal Science and Education.

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