Johanna Sellman

Johanna Sellman

Johanna Sellman

Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures

Johanna Sellman is Associate Professor in the department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures. A scholar of Arabic and Comparative Literature, her research interests include modern and contemporary Arabic, francophone, and Scandinavian literatures, migration and postmigration studies, translation, gender and sexuality studies, and ecocriticism. Her book Arabic Exile Literature in Europe: Defamiliarizing Forced Migration (2022) traces the emergence of a post-1990s Arabic literature of forced migration in Europe and its sustained yet multifaceted engagement with questions of borders, and exile writing. Her articles have appeared in journals such as Journal of Arabic Literature, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Karavan, Banipal, and Theatre Research International. Johanna is currently co-editor of Comicalités special issue on Comics and Ecopolitics and a member of the 2024-25 cohort of GAHDT faculty fellows working on writing linked to her project, “Narratives of Care Across Borders in Contemporary Arabic Literature.”

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