
Upcoming Events

September 6, 2024
400 West Rich, 2nd floor, Columbus, OH, 43215
September 13, 2024
400 West Rich, 2nd floor, Columbus, OH, 43215
September 13, 2024
Land-Grant Brewery
September 19, 2024
400 West Rich St, 2nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio, 43215

Recent News

By Michael Smoley

Help us welcome our Fall 2024 STEAM Factory student employees, Brooke Miller (left) and Aisling Ryan (right)! Both Brooke and Aisling will be huge supports for The STEAM Factory this semester,…

By Casey Schetter

Hey everyone!

If you didn’t already know, I was the STEAM Factories’ summer intern and I have been putting together this small article to hopefully use for the grant…

By Casey Schetter

Dr. Zach Hines is Assistant Professor in the Department of English, where he specializes in medieval poetry and book history. Zach’s archival scholarship, including an in-progress book…

By Casey Scheeter

Glennon is a Senior Community Outreach Analyst whose expertise lies at the intersection of land use and development policy and metropolitan segregation, with an emphasis on suburban…

People Directory

Joseph Bayer
Assistant Professor, Communication
Bob and Mary Reusche Chair in Geographic Information Science; Professor; Director, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis
Arnab Nandi
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Mark Rudoff
Associate Professor, Orchestral Instruments