

326 results found


Associate Professor, Environment and Natural Resources
Senior Lecturer, Philosophy
350 University Hall
Professor, School of Environment & Natural Resources
210 Kottman Hall
Head of Humanities and Social Sciences, University Libraries
222F Thompson Library
Associate Professor, Linguistics
108A Ohio Stadium East
Assistant Professor, State 4-H STEM Specialist, Department of Extension
312 Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Associate Director for Graduate and Continuing Education, Center for Automotive Research
Professor, Chair in the Department of Engineering Education
Smith Lab 3042
Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning
Associate Professor, Physics
Physics Research Building M2054
Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering and City and Regional Planning
Professor, Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
Assistant Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
395 Dresse Laboratories
Associate Professor, Statistics
323 Cockins Hall
Assistant Professor, ACEL
Assistant Professor, Sustainable Buildings
Assistant Professor
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
3033E Newman-Wolfrom Laboratory
Assistant Professor, Management and Human Resources
Assistant Professor, Horticulture & Crop Science and Food Science & Technology
348 Howlett Hall
Assistant Professor, Communication
Research Impact Librarian, Assistant Professor
490B 18th Avenue Library